
Join The Creative Cocoon Membership Wait List! The doors open in February 2025.

Welcome to a
soft place to land and creative tools to THRIVE through grief.

Do you want instant support on your grief journey from someone who has been where you are?

Get instant access to the Five Ways to Support Yourself While You are Grieving and start resourcing strength, comfort, and support.

The Creative Cocoon Mini Course

Would you like to step into a bolder, braver, more alive version of yourself?

Life brings us to these really uncomfortable transition points.

• Loss of loved ones
• Divorce
• Health challenges
• Becoming an empty nester
• Losing a job or your community
• The grief of mid-life

Life breaks us open at these points and offers us an opportunity to expand and transform who are. What if you could bring more consciousness to this process so you could hold the largest possible space for your own transformation to unfold?


The Creative Cocoon Course

Have you experienced a loss that fundamentally changed you and your world and you don’t know how to find your way back to yourself again?

Explore my bite-sized, self-paced 4-part online course if you’re ready to befriend your grief through creative practices.

In this somatic approach to transforming your grief, we’ll play with art-making, simple movement, creative writing, plant medicine, meditation and supportive grief coaching.

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Three ways to thrive through grief


The Creative Cocoon

Online membership community for women like you ready to transform your grief after losing a significant person in your life. 

1:1 Support

Private Coaching

Would you like personal support while going through a period of grief? Jen is available for private coaching sessions.

Jen Ripa in a turquoise dress holding yellow ranunculus flowers.


Creative Healing Tools

Explore creative healing tools to release sadness, regret and guilt in the lightest, most joyful way!  

Hi, I’m Jen Ripa

I’m a grief guide, expressive arts coach, and artist. I beleive that we can transform grief through unconditional love, self-compassion, storytelling, somatic practices, and creativity. I also believe that grief can be a doorway to transcendence. Grief needs to be witnessed in order to heal, and it would be my honor to be part of your healing journey.

The truth is:

Time does not heal all wounds. Grief requires some loving attention and community in order to heal.  

Your grief and grief healing journey deserve kindness, love, and support.

The life-changing creative healing tools we use

Hands Butterfly

Grief Yoga

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Art Making

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Creative Writing

Flower Essences

Essential Oils & Flower Essences

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Grief & Health Coaching

Jen Ripa

Meet Jen

I’m an expressive arts life coach, somatic grief guide, and artist based in Connecticut.

After losing one of my four sons to cancer and my husband of 25 years, I’ve learned that with the right intention, guidance and tools, we can navigate these crossroad moments with so much power and grace. I’ve also learned that who we become as we consciously transform may amaze us.

After helping hundreds of clients rediscover their passion for life and sense of aliveness, I know one thing for certain.

You are not alone.

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Why Creativity Matters

Why Creativity Matters

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Do I Need a Spiritual Practice?

Do I Need a Spiritual Practice?

One way to become more resilient and stay more grounded while navigating the daily struggle is to have a serene space to return to daily. This space can be a physical space and can also be a mental space. The habit of returning to serenity every day is what I think of...

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Michelle Baker in front of a large Canvas with red and fuchsia paint
“Not only has Jen done her own deep healing work, she is also an expert at holding sacred space for women and guiding them on their inner journey of healing, growth and transformation.
She brings patience, wisdom and gentleness that fosters the container we all need for connecting to the deepest parts of ourselves. I can highly recommend working with Jen as your guide.”
— Michelle Baker, MBodied Art Studio